Discover Florence / Avasta Firenze
Take part of our workshop "Discover Florence" that
gives you everything you need for making your visit to this Renaissance pearl of Tuscany memorable:
history, culture, food, wines, recipes, tips about local hidden pearls and the essence
of travel vocabulary. Interactive workshop with Luminata Firenze experts with
over 15 years of local experience will end with Q&As session for your
travel planning.
"Avasta Firenze" veebiseminar Luminata kogenud Firenze ekspertidega
viib avastama linna ajalugu ja toidukultuuri; annab soovitusi sealsete vaatamisväärsuste
ja vaid kohalikele teada toidukohtade külastamiseks, ning teele kaasa ka esmase
sõnavara. Võimalus küsida nõu oma reisi planeerimiseks Firenzesse.
GIVEAWAY: Participants will get after the workshop also a deck of "Florence highlights" with the most important information in the form of
pdf, so you can save that on your mobile device and use during your travels in Florence.
Duration / kestvus : 60 min
Language / keel: English OR Estonian
Time / aeg: various times each month
Price / hind: 12 EUR + VAT
Participants will be getting a meeting link to join.